At Drake Primary Academy, we teach geography using a curriculum based around children understanding where they are in the world, who they are and why. This curriculum has been constructed using the National Curriculum objectives and the EYFS Development Matters.
By the time children leave Drake Primary Academy, they will know who they are and where they are in the world. Our youngest children learn about their immediate geographical area through to map work and understanding geographical features in Year 6 (see topic overview).
The children are taught through an interactive, thematic approach which changes on a termly basis. Knowledge organisers are used to detail knowledge and key information taught in each year group. Units are assessed through a “BIG question” which is used at the start and end of the topic. This helps teachers to plan appropriately and shows clear progress at the end of a unit. Exit tickets are used to demonstrate knowledge acquired during each lesson and quizzes are used at the start of a lesson to recap knowledge previously taught.
In the EYFS we focus on the area ‘Understanding the World’ from the EYFS seven areas of development. Children talk about the area of Drake and how this fits into our city of Plymouth. We visit the geographical area multiple times across the year and draw simple maps to show our understanding. We write to pen pals in other parts of the UK to understand how our immediate environment differs from others.
Lessons are adapted to enable all pupils to access their learning, including pupils with SEND. Knowledge organisers are also adapted to enable SEN pupils to access the key information for each unit.