Governing Body
Drake and Morice Town Primary Academies Local Governing Body
In February 2019 , the local governing bodies of Morice Town and Drake Primary schools decided to merge into a single governing body. They saw this as a positive move and a way of building on the partnerships being developed between the schools. This will provide an opportunity for the strengths of each governing body to come together for the benefit of all the pupils. We have ceased the notion of committees and adopted a timetable of full governor meetings 3 times a year where each governor can contribute to all areas of governance.
Chair of Governor Statement
Welcome from Drake and Morice Town Governing Body. We work with the schools to ensure that they provide the best for your child, both academically and pastorally. We meet regularly to provide an independent oversight of the school and how it is run. The school is required to report to us on things such as, management and planning as well as results and we act as ‘critical friends’ and a sounding board. We help to set the budget, analyse SAT’s data and provide an independent panel in issues relating to staffing or pupil exclusions.
We are made up of members of the school staff, parents and independent people, who all bring different skills and knowledge to the board. All the governors are volunteers and do not receive any payment for their role. We all serve for 4 years when we can be re-elected. Although this is a voluntary, part time role all governors strive to show commitment and the passion for the schools that is required in the role.
- Chair: Andrea Roe
- Vice-Chair: Leanne Lawman
- Executive Headteacher: Jacqi Stephens
Category of Governor | Number of governors | Name |
Executive Headteacher |
1 |
Jacqi Stephens |
Trust Appointed |
4 |
Hayley Evans, Andrea Roe, Captain Andy Toby and Amanda Williams |
Parent |
1 |
Leanne Lawman |
Staff |
0 |
Clerk to Governors: Mrs. L. Johnson
The Chair of the Local Governing Body can be contacted via the schools offices or by email: [email protected] If you require a copy of any of the meeting minutes please contact the clerk to the governors, Mrs. L. Johnson.
What we do:
Drake and Morice Town governors provide support and advice to the Senior Leadership Teams as well as monitoring the school's achievements and challenging decisions.
We provide:
- Overview and scrutiny of the management of the academies;
- Policy development for the academies where this has been delegated to us from the Trust; scrutiny of policy compliance by the academies where policy is set by the Trustees;
- Championship of the academies and its leaders;
- Engagement with the parents of pupils and the wider community.
We do this by:
- Holding termly meetings to discuss the schools, their achievements and areas of need, the policies and
- Visiting the schools and observing lessons and the schools in action.
- Talking to the pupils, parents, and staff to find out their views.
- Attending training to extend our skills and knowledge.
Who are your Governors?
Hayley Evans

Trust Appointed Governor
- Term: 11.02.19 - 11.02.27 (Second Term):
- Responsibility: Quality of Education, Early Years and Finance.
- Attendance 2024-25: 1/1
- Registered Interests: None
I am proud to have volunteered as a governor since 2011, and had the privilege of seeing my 3 children attend Drake. I am committed to working collaboratively with staff, parents, and the wider school community to support high standards in education, and ensure that all students have the best possible opportunities to succeed.
Leanne Lawman
Vice-Chair and Parent Governor
- Term: 01.03.22 - 28.02.26
- Responsibility: Quality of Education and SEND & Inclusion
- Attendance 2024-25: 1/1
- Registered Interests: None
I am a parent of two children currently in Years 4 and 5. My motivation to become a governor stems from a deep commitment to actively participating in my children’s education and contributing to the ongoing development and improvement of the school. The school has been a tremendous support to our family over the years, and I am eager to give back in a meaningful way.
I bring a unique perspective on special education needs, complemented by my extensive experience working with children and vulnerable adults. My background includes roles as a water sports instructor, football coach, mentor for European students, mentor at Brainwaves, and various positions in healthcare and medical research with universities across the country. I am also currently pursuing further studies for a BA (Honours) in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics at university.
My commitment to the school is unwavering. I am dedicated to leveraging my skills and experiences to support the school community. I am confident that the skills and experiences I have accumulated, along with the new knowledge I continue to acquire, will enable me to make meaningful contributions to the school community.
Jacqi Stephens
Executive Headteacher
- Term: 01.09.24 -
- Responsibility: Whole schools
- Attendance 2024-25: 1/1
- Registered Interests: None
I have been teaching for 25 years and 20 years in varying senior leadership roles. I have been a headteacher across five different primary schools across Devon and Torbay as well as an Executive Headteacher and Executive Lead for School Improvement. It is a privilege to lead across both schools and serve our local families and children.
Andrea Roe
Chair - Trust Appointed Governor
- Term: 15.12.21 - 14.12.25
- Responsibility: Safeguarding Governor, Quality of Education, Behaviour and Attitudes, Finance, Statutory Grants and Equalities
- Attendance 2024-25: 1/1
- Registered Interests: Spouse is an employee of the Trust
I took up the role of parent Governor in January 2017 but have had experience with governance groups within the work place. My daughter started with the reception intake in 2020 but had previously been part of the nursery. I saw how much passion and dedication was shown by the staff towards the children. It was this introduction to the school which made me want to help make Morice Town a great school. I firmly believe that the right environment and support can build a life-long passion for learning. I am pleased to be able to continue my governor role for the school in a Trust Appointed Governor capacity.
After finishing my degree at Plymouth, I spent 16 years in the mobile telecommunications industry in a management role as well as in an employee relations role. I am currently employed by a charity as a debt advice coordinator. Whilst my background isn't education it is management planning, and also finance.
Amanda Williams
Trust Appointed Governor
- Term: 26.11.24 - 26.11.28
- Responsibility: Quality of Education and Personal Development
- Attendance 2024-25: 1/1
- Registered Interests: None
I have one child attending Drake Primary who started school in September 2020. I have always enjoyed learning and continue to do so, even as an adult. I believe that my love of learning stems from the support and encouragement I received at my primary school over 40 years ago! I aim to do what I can, to ensure that all the children whose education we are privileged to be part of, enjoy their primary school days. Providing a safe and happy environment for children to learn in, is crucial and will encourage them to reach their potential in all areas of their lives. As a governor I take my responsibility very seriously.
Capt. Andy Toby
Trust Appointed Governor
- Term: 12.10.23 - 11.10.27
- Responsibility: Leadership and Management
- Attendance 2024-25: 1/1
- Registered Interests: None
As well as being a parent to a child that attended Drake Primary Academy, I am also a Salvation Army Officer (Minister) based in the community of Morice Town, to where I was appointed in 2019. I have been an Officer since 2012 and before coming to Plymouth I served in Camborne and Torquay.
I believe that every child has the right to an education that will help them reach their full potential. We as parents, carers and those in a position of responsibility should be passionate and fully dedicated to ensuring that the very best opportunities are made available to our children.
My hope is that I am able to integrate into an existing school governor team and make a positive difference and that the lives of the children who we represent will be transformed and enhanced beyond any expectations.
Governors who have left the Local Governing Board over the past 12 months:
Amanda Williams 23.11.20 - 22.11.24 (Parent Governor now Trust Appointed Governor)
Paulinee Donnellon 13.05.19 - 01.01.25
To find out more about Reach South Academy Trust governance, click on the following link:
Drake & Morice Town Local Governing Body meeting dates 2024-25
Thursday 10th October 2024
Thursday 27th February 2025
Thursday 26th June 2025